KLENOTA is a young, entirely Czech brand that was founded in 2008 out of a love for real jewelry. Even in its short existence, our company has already experienced several significant milestones, namely successful entry into foreign markets as well as establishing its own, completely self-sufficient production of jewelry.
The founder and owner of KLENOTA Jewelry is Jarmila Slívová, a GIA Accredited Jewelry Professional, whose background is in interior design and photography. Since 2008, Jarmila’s sole focus has been on jewelry.
All jewelry is hand crafted at our own jewelry studio in the center of Prague. We support the craft of jewelry making and we strive to preserve this Czech tradition and its ongoing future development.
In sales, we combine the benefits of the online environment with a personal approach. Customers can choose jewelry and buy it direct at our Prague jewelry studio as well as from our store online.
For the press we will gladly:
- provide product photos, photos from jewelry production, photos with a model as well as thematic shots;
- lend products for editorial photography;
- we will provide information for more expert articles about jewelry making - about gold, precious stones, pearls and the craft of jewelry making;
- provide a gift or gifts for a competition.
For bloggers and influencers
We are very happy to collaborate with bloggers, instagrammers and other influencers. We are looking for all sorts of interesting personalities, models and great photographers with an interest in fashion and jewelry.
Types of collaborations we offer:
- both barter as well as paid – these are based on individual agreement.